Why a visual identity system is more memorable than a logo
Every business starts with an idea. How do we accurately convey the idea to the world? The first and foremost thing that strikes our mind is the business logo to represent our brand. Your logo is one single aspect in a bigger world, but what’s crucial is a brand visual identity. A good brand identity creates a solid logo that represents your company. There are a lot of differences between visual identity and logo.
Visual Identity Vs Logo Branding
When you start your business, you will wonder why branding is needed? Most business owners often overlook the crucial visual identity creation and jump directly to creating logos.
If you don’t set up plans for your brand, it will be difficult for your customer to create an image of you. In short, your customers won’t be able to identify you, which makes it difficult to make loyal connections.
Once a firm’s identity is established, creating and editing a logo accordingly will be done in no time.
Why does Visual Identity rank on top?
“Branding encompasses an overall experience mixed with feeling and core business value”
With branding, you keep your business’s vision, mission, voice, value, and feelings associated with the company, and the essence is felt in your visual identity.
Through it, you communicate a brand’s value and the message to your customer, which creates an urge to be connected with your brand.
The logo is another fascinating part of creating a visual identity and other things involve includes
font, color, imagery, and aesthetic.
The visual identity of your business makes use of all visual elements to determine how your brand
evokes a desire/feeling in customers towards your business.
What creates a strong Visual Identity?
Consistency: Companies must strongly work on creating and modifying the use of new font, color, aesthetic, style constantly. With consistency, your business improves its identity!
Originality: Your business identity must purely be original, if it is built on other brand’s consideration, it will merely confuse your audience.
The Key Element of Visual Identity:
Incorporating all the visual elements together can help you work on your overall branding. Here are a few key considerations for creating a solid visual identity.
Logo: That said, the logo is a single part in a bigger picture. It is a symbol that represents your brand and makes a lasting impression.
Color: Various attractive colors from the pallet can transform your customer’s mood and feelings towards your brand.
Font: Font style, the type can convey your overall business style and tone which makes it a crucial element to consider before approving.
Image: Graphics and visual images set your business apart. Perfect use of aesthetics and imagery can vividly appeal to your target customer.
Bottom Line:
Now that you have a clear understanding of Why a visual identity system is more memorable than a logo. Your business should work on creating a solid identity, such that it represents your brand image value. Having a logo without a visual identity is like running a business without money!